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Ashuganj-Bakhrabad-Chittagong Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

Assignment Name: Preparation of Resettlement Plan for Ashuganj-Bakhrabad-Chittagong Gas Transmission Pipeline Project

Country: Bangladesh

Assignment Location within country:

Brahmanbaria, Comilla, Feni and Chittagong

Duration of assignment (months): 03

Name of Client: CEGIS

Total No. of staff-month of the assignment : 10

Start Date (Month/Year):


Completion Date (Month/Year):


Name of Joint Venture /Associated Consultants, if any: N/A

 No. of Staff-Months of Key Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture /Associated Consultants: 0

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director /Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:

Kh. KhairulMatin


Resettlement Specialist/Survey Team Leader 

Md. Mustafizur Rahman


MIS Specialist

Most. SyedaAfroza Sultana


Consultation Participation Scientist

Sukhendra Narayan 


Field Coordinator

Saiful Islam


Field Coordinator

Narrative Description of Project:

The Government of Bangladesh, with the financial assistance of the Asian Development Bank has undertaken a project through Gas Transmission Company Limited to install gas pipeline from Ashuganj (Brahmanbaria) to Chittagong i.e. 260 km way to upgrade uninterrupted gas transmission. Here KMC Ltd. worked as sub-consultant to CEGIS. Under this project, KMC Ltd. was employed to prepare the Resettlement Plan (RP).

Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

- Developed survey tools

- Conducted census and socioeconomic survey and inventory of losses,

- Conducted property valuation survey,

- Held community level stakeholders meeting,

- data entry and report generation and

- Prepared resettlement plan as per ADB policy on involuntary resettlement.