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Dhaka Sanitation Improvement Project (Phase-1)

Assignment Name: “Consultancy Services for preparation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) under TA project for the preparatory activities of the proposed Dhaka Sanitation Improvement Project (Phase-1)”

Country: Bangladesh

Assignment Location within country: Dhaka

Duration of assignment (months): 08

Name of Client: DWASA

Total No. of staff-month of the assignment : 104

Start Date



Completion Date



Name of Joint Venture Consultants, if any: N/A

 No. of Staff-Months of Key Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture /Associated Consultants: 0

Name of Senior Staff (Team Leader & Social Development Specialist) Involved and Functions Performed:

Kh. Khairul Matin : Team Leader & Md. Aktarul Islam Khan: Social Development Specialist

Narrative Description of Project:

Dhaka Sanitation Network Improvement Project is being executed by Dhaka WASA funded by World Bank. Here Knowledge Management Consultants (KMC) is engaged for preparation of Social Impact Assessment, Preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by our Staff:

- socioeconomic survey of sampled households and communities 

- focus group & consultation meetings

- key Informant Interview

- Gender action plan

- Provide water and sanitation related awareness

- Conduct group meeting

- Preparation of Social Impact Assessment Report

- Preparation of Resettlement Policy Framework