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Social Impact Assessment (SIA) report for Feasibility Study for Construction of Dam to provide safe water to the Teknaf Pourashava

Assignment Name: Preparation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) report for Feasibility Study for Construction of Dam to provide safe water to the Teknaf Pourashava.

Country: Bangladesh

Assignment Location within country: Teknaf, Cox-bazar

Duration of assignment (months): 2

Name of Client: Dev Consultants Ltd.

Total No. of Staff-month of the assignment: 7

Start Date (Month/Year):


Completion Date (Month/Year):


Name of Joint Venture Consultants, if any: Only KM Consultants

No. of Staff-Months of Professional Staff provided by Joint Venture Consultants:

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director /Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:

Kh. Khairul Matin



Md. Mashiur Rahman


MIS Specialist

Md. Abul Hasan


Field Coordinator

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The Government of Bangladesh, with the finance assistance of UNICEF had undertaken a project through Department of Public Health and Engineering (DPHE) for Construction of Dam in Teknaf Pourashava to supply piped water to the people of Teknaf Pourashava. Under this project, KMC Ltd. was engaged as sub consultants to Dev Consultants Ltd. in preparation of Social Impact Assessment (SIA), SCM, FGD report, etc.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

- Developed survey tools

- Conducted socioeconomic of the households living in the downstream of the proposed Dam site

- Conducted stakeholders consultation in the community to seek their opinion regarding proposed Dam

- Develop database based on survey data

- Prepared Social Impact Assessment (SIA)

- Prepared SCM, FGD report.